
Hello! I’m Saalik. I write software, essays, and poetry to explore unexpected interconnections.

What you’ll read on this publication is a smorgasbord of thoughts on technology, travel, language, and presence. The Spoonful is an ever-evolving buffet.

New posts are published every week or two. They’re organized into seasons, punctuated by a recap.

A couple goodies

On the intentions of my current sabbatical:

On how translations are a lie:

On a metaphor that explains the internet:

On how to create conversational forcefields:

On the magic of software:

Feel free to check out my website to find links to the socials, or send me an email: saalik@thespoonful.blog.

Subscribe to The Spoonful

Saalik's musings on value, language, technology, and presence, one bite at a time.


Prose, poetry, & code. On sabbatical. On a journey to write, build, travel and stay centered.